3 Commando Brigade

Realism. Tactics. Fun.



Open Event - Op Rheinübung III - Fri 30th Aug - 20:00hrs BST

Posted by: JoeEmp » Thu Jul 25, 2024 9:37 am
Forum: Public Events and Operations


Author: JoeEmp
Zeus: JoeEmp


Server Info:
Modset: Public Modset
Server: Public
IP: game.3commandobrigade.com
Port: 2362

Public Server Restart: 19:30
Joining Teamspeak From: 19:30
Mission Start: 20.00

If you need technical help please join the `Technical Help` channel on our Teamspeak and wait for assistance.


Uelzen, Lower Saxony, Germany. March 2021.

The United States, frustrated by what they view as incompetence and lack of will have withdrawn their troops from NATO countries in Europe. The rash move has left the West inadequately defended. Mere months after the withdrawal, Russia began destabilising ex-Warsaw Pact countries with armed protests and open rebellions. Within weeks a full-scale land invasion of Eastern Europe was underway.

With the Russians pushing further west and before a defence could be established, Turkey denounced what was left of their tattered NATO alliance and launched an offensive against Greece and the Hellenic presence on Cyprus. Russian forces in Germany are gathering to the East of the Elbe Lateral Canal. They have temporarily halted their advance while they construct additional bridges to cross the water. Enemy artillery from the eastern shore is preventing friendly troops to the West from disrupting their bridging.


Charlie Company are to continue to locate and destroy enemy points of enemy concentration around Dormte (designated as Objective Chamb).


Figure 1. Map of the AO.

  • 0930 hrs local.

  • Medium cloud coverage. Expected to increase.
  • North westerly wind. Expected to persist.
  • Temperature: 11-14°C.
  • Chance of rain: >5%. Expected to persist.
  • Medium fog. Expected to persist into late morning.

IED / Mine threat:
  • No IED threat.
  • No mine threat.


Charlie Company, 40 Commando, 3 Commando Brigade :
  • Command Element of the Charlie Company.
  • MTP gear.

    1st Platoon, C Coy, 40 Commando:
    • Platoon sized element under the leadership of 1-0A.
    • MTP gear.

    2nd Platoon, C Coy, 40 Commando:
    • Platoon sized element under the leadership of 2-0A.
    • MTP gear.
    • Holding in Reserve.

    3nd Platoon, C Coy, 40 Commando:
    • Platoon sized element under the leadership of 3-0A.
    • MTP gear.
    • Dropping after 1st Plt drop into the AO.


104th Air Assault Regiment, 76th Guards Air Assault Division:
  • Well-trained & well-equipped army with Russian equipment.
  • Expect motorised and mechanised capability. The exact disposition of enemy forces is unknown.
  • The majority of forces are assembling near the Elbe Lateral Canal however Rear Echelon & Security Units have been posted throughout the AO.

12th Guards Tank Regiment, 4th Guards Tank Division, 1st Guards Tank Army:
  • Well-trained & well-equipped army with Russian equipment.
  • Expect Armoured and mechanised capability. The exact disposition of enemy forces is unknown.
  • Local forces across the front line, are believed to be held in rear support until needed by infantry units with the intent of crossing once additional bridges have been constructed.


  • Civilian presence expected in towns.
  • Civilians expected to be friendly and oppose the russian invasion.


  • Resupply will be organised via fixed-wing assets.

  • Light CAS rotary support & indirect fire will be available.

  • CTP tent carried by Platoon HQ.


  • Weapon Control Order: At the discretion of Platoon commanders.
  • Avoid HE in built-up areas.
  • Civilian casualties are to be avoided.
  • Bayonets to be used only when assaulting known Enemy positions.


Note: Before taking a role, please read the relevant SOP and check whether you have the required skills and knowledge to perform this role properly. If you read it and feel unsuited for the role, please do not take it.

Charlie Company, 40 Commando, 3 Commando Brigade (3CB).
  • L85A3s, L110A3s & L129A1s.
  • GPS.
  • Personal and LR Radios.
  • Standard 4 - 4 sections.

1 Platoon HQ
1-0-A: Platoon Commander -
1-0-B: Platoon 2iC -

1 Platoon / 1 Section
1-1-C: Section Leader -
1-1-D: Section 2iC -

1 Platoon / 2 Section
1-2-C: Section Leader -
1-2-D: Section 2iC -

1 Platoon / 3 Section
1-3-C: Section Leader -
1-3-D: Section 2iC -

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