Posted by:
Nemiuk » Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:25 pm

Lance Corporal
We are extremely pleased to announce the following promotions from Marine to Lance Corporal:
Simmo Simmo has not only demonstrated a consistent level of activity and dedication to the unit, but has routinely presented a positive attitude, a willingness to lead by example during operations and on the public server, and frequently volunteered his time and efforts to support 3CB.
Noodles A dedicated member and mission maker, Noodles has contributed a staggering amount of time, effort to the unit through his continued commitment to the mission design team.
Jetrise As a long serving and dedicated member of 3CB, Jet has time and again demonstrated his commitment and enthusiasm to bettering the unit. Whether through frequently taking leadership roles, to his significant contributions to the media and training team.
Mad Mick Mick continues to show his dedication to the unit through his proactive efforts in not only the administrative side of 3CB, but his development and integration of both advanced training and mentorship. His in-game presence and attitude towards improving 3CB have been an invaluable asset to the unit.
Congratulations to you all, keep up the hard work.
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