Open Event - Op Green Tide - Friday 31st Jan - 20:00hrs GMT

Author: JoeEmp
Zeus: JoeEmp
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Mission Start: 20.00
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Katkoula & Balavu Island Chain, Horizon Islands, Occupied Tanoa. July 2024.The Horizon Islands, a group of small islands located in the South Pacific Ocean, are currently facing political turmoil due to external exploitation and power struggles. The islands sit on a large copper deposit, which has attracted foreign investment and industry for years. As a result of this exploitation, a well-funded and well-organized opposition group called the FPA (Free Peoples Army) has emerged, opposing the NATO-backed HIDF (Horizon Island Defence Force) and multiple affiliate criminal groups.
The FPA operates locally from Sosovu and Yasa, two small islands that are part of the Horizon Islands archipelago. They have been engaging in illegal activities such as the piracy of local fishermen and racketeering in Georgetown. There are suspicions that the local Gendarmerie may be complicit in their actions. Recently, the FPA has escalated their attacks and targeted international shipping in the wider region and HIDF forces on the mainland.
With the I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) having been engaged in continued fighting on the mainland, follow-up forces have arrived at the islands to offer further support. In the continued fighting and mass grounds gained by FPA forces, multiple HIDF commanders have split from the governmental line, proclaiming islands surrounding Tanoa to have split. With this 45 Commando with attached Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 51 from Carrier Air Wing Five are offering local support due to the believed mechanised capability on the Katkoula & Balavu Island Chain.
MISSION:Z Coy, 45 Commando has been deployed to the Horizon Islands, to clear the Katkoula & Balavu Island Chain and their respective towns (Designated as Objectives Bandit & Bogey)
Figure 1. Map of the AO.Time:Weather:- Light cloud coverage. Expected to persist.
- Low Fog. Expected to persist.
- Northerly wind. Expected to persist.
- Temperature: 33°C - 35°C.
IED / Mine threat:- No Mine Threat.
- No IEDs expected.
FRIENDLY FORCES:Zulu Company, 45 Commando, 3 Commando Brigade:- Command Element of the Zulu Company.
- MTP gear.
1st Platoon, Z Coy, 45 Commando:- Platoon sized element under the leadership of 1-0A.
- MTP gear.
2nd Platoon, Z Coy, 45 Commando:- Platoon sized element under the leadership of 2-0A.
- MTP gear.
- Holding Naval Landing Zone.
3nd Platoon, Z Coy, 40 Commando:- Platoon sized element under the leadership of 3-0A.
- MTP gear.
- Moving North to the Town of Cerebu.
Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 51, Carrier Air Wing Five (CVW-5), Carrier Strike Group 5 (CARSTRKGRU 5):- 2x MH-60R Seahawks.
- OCP gear.
- Attached to Z Coy, 45 Commando providing reconnaissance, combat & logistical support.
ENEMY FORCES:Split HIDF (Horizon Island Defence Force):- Well-trained & well-equipped forces with various equipment types.
- Unknown concentration of forces within the AO, however, is believed to be a mixed concentration of mechanised & motorised force.
- Limited air support due to ongoing air campaign with US Carrier Strike Group.
- Morale is expected to be varying
CIVILIAN POPULATION:- Low Civilian presence.
- Majority of civilian presence has fled or is fleeing.
LOGISTICS INFORMATION:Supplies:- Resupply will be organised via rotary assets.
Support:- CAS rotary support is available from HSM-51.
- CAP support is provided by VFA-102.
Reinforcements:- CTP tent carried by Platoon HQ.
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT:- Weapon Control Order: At the discretion of Platoon commanders.
- Avoid HE in built-up areas.
- Civilian casualties are to be avoided.
- Bayonets to be used only when assaulting known Enemy positions.
PRIORITY PLACEMENTSNote: Before taking a role, please read the relevant SOP and check whether you have the required skills and knowledge to perform this role properly. If you read it and feel unsuited for the role, please do not take it.Zulu Company, 45 Commando, 3 Commando Brigade (3CB).Equipment: - L85A3s, L110A3s & L129A1s.
- GPS.
- Personal and LR Radios.
Formation: 1 Platoon HQ1-0-A: Platoon Commander -
1-0-B: Platoon 2iC -
1 Platoon / 1 Section1-1-C: Section Leader -
1-1-D: Section 2iC -
1 Platoon / 2 Section1-2-C: Section Leader -
1-2-D: Section 2iC -
1 Platoon / 3 Section1-3-C: Section Leader -
1-3-D: Section 2iC -
Widow 4-14-1: Forward Air Controller -
Locked Until 21 Sign-UpsKnight 6-1: MH-60R SeahawksKnigh t6-1: Pilot -
Locked Until 21 Sign-UpsKnight 6-1: Co-Pilot -
Locked Until 21 Sign-Ups