Arma3Sync Repo Updates
It's been a good first 'live' week with the new mod launcher.

We switched off 3CB support of PlayWithSix for clients after Sunday's Operation and this Wednesday's (11th Feb) Private Mini-Op was the first to be solely supported by Arma3Sync. All members have appeared to transition smoothly with fairly universal happiness at the change.
Thanks to all, players and support staff, for your patience and efforts during the change-over.
Our technical wizards (Moeses and Rev) have continued working miracles on the server back-end systems. Admins are now able to pull new or updated mods from any source and build them into the Arma3Sync repository and modsets with the minimum of fuss. We get to choose WHEN to update mods and which version of each we will use.
Going forward we intend to do regular weekly updates to the mods, which will take place after the mid-week Op on a Wednesday/Thursday. This schedule will be maintained unless urgent updates which fix game breaking bugs are received and need to be implemented sooner.
So, a small fanfare for our first 'Thursday Update' to our Arma3Sync Repository.
@Alive to v1.0
@RyanZombies to v3.7
If you ticked the Notify box against the 3CB Arma3Sync Repository, it will automatically notify and update your mods when you next start the launcher.
Public Server Mission RotationOn a related note, the public server missions will now be rotated twice a week on a set schedule.
Firstly after the Sunday Private Op completes and then again following the Thursday Repo Update.
Monday to Wednesday: Mission 1
Thursday to Sunday: Mission 2
The schedule is updated to show the current mission and next planned changes so you know what to look forward to.