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Arma3Sync Repo Updates

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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:21 am     Super secret spam barrier
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Repo Update #387B Feb 10


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 11:53 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Repo Update #388 Feb 15


Release Notes:
Fixed Nap-Of-Earth support for Merlin landing
Added Nap-Of-Earth support for V-22

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:38 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Repo Update #389 Feb 21


Release Notes:
NoE flight module: Improved takeoff orientation
NoE flight module: Fixed process module so it appears above a carrier-borne helo
NoE flight module: Improved takeoff from a carrier deck
NoE flight module: Fixed V-22 ramp not opening on landing
NoE flight module: End of flight path over water defaults to hover, not landing
NoE flight module: Added new flight path for VSTOLs
NoE flight module: Improved accuracy of helo landing if equipped with retractable undercarriage
NoE flight module: Fixed C130s flapping doors when boarding
Hide CTP map marker if GPS jammer is enabled

Server updated to 2.14.151437 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v15

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:37 pm     Super secret spam barrier
1st Lieutenant
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Repo Update #390 Feb 28


Release Notes:
Updated TFAR backpacks
Added ACRE-compatible backpacks

Updated ACRE support, specifically default channels, frequencies and radio allocation

Added Reload animation to SPG-9 vehicles
Added Shahed to Takistan Army Opfor faction
Adjusted M270 vehicles max ford depth
Adjusted Shahed flight model for AI
Fixed AAF Indfor Backpack Classnames
Fixed AAF and FIA AA Loadout to prevent overburden
Fixed LAW66 weight and ACE3 Arsenal issue
Fixed Osprey interior lights
Fixed Picture-in-Picture issue on Bell 412 FLIR screen
Fixed SPG-9 Optics on Fishing Boat, Land Rover, Hilux and Pickup

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 10:36 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Repo Update #391 Mar 6


Release Notes:
Added Zeus-controlled flocks of hens, goats and sheep
Added campfires with smoke
NoE flight:  Adjusted V-22's approach pitch
Fixed ACRE respawn/clone issues
Fixed clone player and local medical conditions

Added Forklift
Added T-28 Trojan
Added missing Eden Preview images to tent objects

Adjusted texture brightness of Large Hesco Altis
Fixed sandbag wall hidden texture issue reverting back to desert sandbags at lower LODs

Updated server to 2.14.151494 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v17

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:04 pm     Super secret spam barrier
1st Lieutenant
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Repo Update #392 Mar 13


@ArmaZeusCache (deprecated)

Release Notes:
NoE Flight:  Increase speed of approach to landing

Fixed G36 Magazine wells still using STANAG magazines
Fixed M16A1 variants missing suppressors
Fixed M1919A4 having the option of an invisible bipod
Fixed Missing Bren gun inventory images
Fixed Missing DTK attachment on CSAT Africa AKMN + NPZ rifles
Fixed Naming of AR-10 optics
Fixed Pilot and Copilot being able to eject from T-28 Trojan
Fixed Steyr Aug Magazine wells still using STANAG magazines
Fixed T-28 Trojan CAS rocket pods not showing selected firing rate

Updated server to 2.14.151568 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v21

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 8:54 pm     Super secret spam barrier
1st Lieutenant
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Repo Update #393 Mar 20


Release Notes:
Fixed clone and triage issues with ACRE radio IDs
Re-enabled briefing for clones

Added AAF uniform CSAT reskins alongside LDF uniforms to allow non-Contact DLC users to use CSAT uniforms
Adjusted AR-10 optics eye position on 3D version
Adjusted Bren Gun initial zoom when aiming down iron sights
Adjusted V-22 to use Blackfish HMD
Fixed CSAT BMP-3 commander being RHS Russian crewman
Fixed CSAT crewmen using helicopter pilot helmets
Fixed Medical Drone having a 40mm grenade pylon
Fixed Mig-21, Mystere, and Trojan T-28 ailerons moving incorrectly
Fixed Missing M72A1 ammo on Cold War US Early LAT gunner
Fixed Shahed not disconnecting from the terminal upon destruction
Fixed Water Drones remote control from terminal and PIP terminal displays

Updated server to 2.14.151599 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v22

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:12 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Repo Update #394 Mar 27

No update, but please refresh your repo to remove Rosch from the Private modset

Updated server to 2.16.151648 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v1

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 3:51 pm     Super secret spam barrier
1st Lieutenant
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Repo Update #395 Apr 3


Release Notes:
Fixed Alicepacks

Added Earpiece to Facewear and NVG slot to allow more combinations of gear
Added Optional Black, Desert, Winter and Woodland textures to S-750 radar system
Added Optional Black, Desert, Winter and Woodland textures to S-750 SAM system
Fixed Eden Commander Turret PrimaryObserver drag in / out issue on 3CB Factions reskins of RHS tanks
Fixed G36 Magazine proxy position
Fixed Kajman pylon issue showing 'empty' when selecting atgms
Fixed M1117 turnout
Fixed Officer icons
Fixed P320 ammunition type
Fixed Water Drones appearing in the BIS CSAT Drone option in Eden
Swapped RPG26 for RPG18 on Cold War Soviet Early LAT gunner

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 9:13 pm     Super secret spam barrier
1st Lieutenant
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Repo Update #396 Apr 10



Release Notes:
Fixed logistics transfer, for players using ACE interaction "do action then releasing menu key"
Added Zeus function to copy a unit's loadout
Added Zeus function to copy all players' loadouts
Added player-specific loadouts

Fixed Ababil pylon issue showing 'empty' when selecting weapons
Fixed BMP-2, BMP-2K, and BRM1K Eden preview images
Fixed PPSH stick magazine mass

Updated server to 2.16.151697 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v2

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