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Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:22 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 1412
Service Medal (5) Donator (1)

Arma 3 in VR

mwnciboo wrote:
Occulus Rift = Yes.

This Contraption = No. 

The man looks like a Mental Illness patient in a Oversized Baby walker. 

Almost all predictions about gaming things like this have been proved wrong, the only one which looks likely to succeed is the Occulous Rift. 

How can you say that Mike? Look where gaming is heading now and has been for the past few years.

Maybe not for the PC generation which will most likely still be mouse and keyboard in the next 5 million years but a lot of the gaming industry have been trying to push more active gaming methods such as the success of the wii. There is no doubt that something like this would succeed if worked on by some large company with the funds and time to perfect it into something we could easily use in our living rooms. Also don't forget giants like Valve are behind backing the rift.

You couldn't imagine having a dance floor in your house but what of those dance mats, kids went crazy for those back in the days but now it's all controlled by a small sensor on top of the tv. Gaming is advancing pretty quick now, there is no knowing what can be made with the right people behind it. People bashed the rift with the dev build yet now its 'great', thanks gaben.

Anyway this exact contraption probably won't get anywhere but it does show that there is a possibility to create something that could be the next thing everyone wants.


Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:41 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 323
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My opinion:
Occulus rift: Yes it has future but not for me. I stick in TrackIR cause I don't want to cut my vision to my controllers + currently occulus has only pitch and yaw. And mixed reviews about prefomance and possible motion sicknes turns me off.

Virtual treadmils: BIG NO. I sit down to my cumputer to relax.
And if I want to do fysical exercise with gun in my hand, I go play airsoft. Even it has limitations it still beats virtual reality with huge defference.(e.g. You have full fysical contact.) I haven't try VR but airsoft is similar to infantry combat thrills that I had in my army days.

So lets turn volume to 11:
This is my typical Airsoft game sunday (in Finnish time, +2h to UK time)
8:00 -  9:30 Wake up and nutritious meal. 10:00 I start to prepare and pack my gear. 10:30 Bicycle ride to playfield or my buddy comes to pick me up. 11:30 max 30min warm up TDM. ~12:15 The main game or the day. (2h domination mach or couple rounds of CTF) ~14:30 two or one 30min games. 16:00 - 17:00 back home, gear maintenance and sauna+shower. 18:00 to 20.30 off time(a meal). ~21:30 3CB operation. ~00:00 operation ends and I wrap up the day with sleep.
Imagine doing the operation with VR setup after airsoft game day. Even now I might be bit exhausted when we start the opration. So "No thanx"

Currently I have all the conrollers what i need: Keyboard and mouse,a HOTAS,a headtracker, racing wheel+pedals, a console type controller(not frequently in use, I hate em. its like playng a piano or eny instrument only with your thumbs and index fingers). I just to need get better ones.

The most annoyng thing about ARMA franchise isin't the bugs; The the worst thing is: You don't have better option.

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