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Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 1:20 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 5913
Location: Essen, Germany
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Open Beta is out and its a bit "meh" at the moment. There is only COOP and no actual PvP in the open beta right now.

Benzy will maybe like it, since you can play as a Loli with a pink mech.

Last edited by Mefirst on Fri May 06, 2016 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 1:33 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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This is just like 1st person LoL right?

Tweety Bird

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 1:42 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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Right now its pretty simple. You play about 1-2 control points that needs to be attacked/held. For some reasons they decided to put pvp out of the open beta and it will be back on release. But otherwise I guess its LoL meets FPS.

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Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 2:09 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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Location: Essen, Germany
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Played a few matches and I have to say its "alright" and is in fact a bit of a successor to TF2. So far it seems to do a few things right that could have been better In TF2. If PvP would be avaible and it would work nice, I would probably consider buying it. But since that is not the case, it is hard to see how the balance works in that field.

The game appears to be also fan-service the game 2016. You pretty much have characters that will appear to at least somebody. The range goes from Cyborg, Ninja, Animals, Japanese Mecha Girls, black person with dreadlocks and a large feminist tank with pink hair. Also Cowboys.

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Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 3:54 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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Good example of how playing a lot of ArmA 3 will have a impact on playing other games. Before I started playing game like Red Orchestra and ArmA I probably would have tried to aim for the head and not for the center of mass.

Also dat retard in chat...

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Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 4:23 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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It's a great game that's being let down by being -- like so many modern games -- too damn slow between matches. What's up with the stupid between-game-waits? Virtually all the modern multiplayer games have this issue (Rocket League is a great example) and it's starting to annoy me. That whole find-match/select-hero/wait-for-game, then play a bit, then slowmo-victory/victory photo/play-of-the-game/recommend/wait-some-more is getting old very quickly. It's one of the things I like about TF2: Choose a server, choose a class, play. Round ends? No worries, next one starts in a few seconds! 

The core game is actually surprisingly fun, it really feels like a "modern" TF2. Oddly enough I'd love to see an Overwatch singplayer campaign. (Sadly Blizzard says that won't happen :()

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 4:27 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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Yeah especially against the AI, the rounds are usually pretty short since the AI is not great and will always use the same routes. So you sometimes have rounds that are over in 2-3 minutes and then you have this waiting time you mentioned. I hope rounds in PvP will last longer.

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Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 7:00 am     Super secret spam barrier

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The open beta is now more or less over.

PvP was more interesting and matches were usually longer, beside the usual matches where you steamroll a enemy or you get steamrolled by them. So far it is a pretty good game and more or less a more "modern" Team Fortress 2. The game has a lot of similarities to it and it is not just the visual style.There are also similarities in the game modes, the archetypes of heroes/classes and gameplay mechanics. That is not a bad thing in my book.

I think Blizzard was never really good in creating something "very original", maybe with the exeption of Diablo 1. What blizzard is really good at is taking already known concepts and making them "better" and more accessible.I played the game till level 11 alone, with bunny and with some german guys with a full team. It was pretty fun and its definitely even more fun when you play with some friends together.

The open beta was pretty balanced with two or maybe three exeptions. The turret mode from bastion and the turret from that dwarf guy feel like they are too strong combined with the low effort and skill players need to use them. Also the sniper riflr of widowmaker appears to be a bit too strong. Most heroes have 200hp and the sniper rifle will make 150 damage on a body shot. Headshots make 2x damage and considering that it is likely you will shoot players that are not on full health, it is very easy to one shot a lot of players with it.

There is already a pretty interesting sheet people are pulling together, revealing pretty much all the data behind game mechanics and characters.
The Oversheet

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:45 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 5913
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Game is out and so far I am impressed how bad all my team is all the time. In the beta I had mostly balanced matches and I now have played about 8-10 matches and lost all of them.

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Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 2:25 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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Mefirst wrote:
Game is out and so far I am impressed how bad all my team is all the time. In the beta I had mostly balanced matches and I now have played about 8-10 matches and lost all of them.
Not 100% sure if the Matchmaking also puts you against a Team of 6 players, or 6 Randoms if you queue alone, be a shame if you get a full team vs full randoms.

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