Nick Seafort wrote:
Do we have many players? I've been giving it a try, and I've had a really mixed experience - it seems enormously sensitive to how good your squad in particular is, and your team also. In Battlefield or Arma, even if I'm surrounded by eejits (if...
) I can normally feel like I'm contributing and doing well, but in Squad I've had some games where I've just spent the entire game hoofing it across the map to wait for any of our AT or armour groups to deal with the one BRDM that's been parked stationary in the open and obliterating the endless Haig-esque waves of friendlies running across open terrain...
Yeah the quality of the Gameplay you have is dependent of the server and the squads you get. By definition (name of the game) you can not solo in this game. In games like BF you can very well play alone and still carry the match. This is not possible in Squad. The meta of Squad is also way more complicated, but it basically also revolves around ticket loss. You basically want to do things that cost the enemy tickets, while loosing as less tickets as possible yourself. I think the game should give players more direct feedback at the end of a round for this. Because its not uncommon that 2 guys died 4 times in a BTR and brag that they got 30 kills with it. A BTR costs 15 tickets and so these people lost 60 tickets just by wrecking their vehicle (possibly dying with it and further loosing tickets).
A while ago I made the suggestion to get a better end screen after a round is over for squads and players. I made some concept images and devs also confirmed that this is something they will do in the future. With that people will understand better how and why they lost or won games.