3 Commando Brigade

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Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 10:47 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Privacy Policy


I'm sure you're all totally fed up with GDPR emails by now. The new regulations come into law tonight at 12am. Whilst we're not a business we do hold some limited amounts of information about our users so we've decided to make some infrastructure and policy changes to make ourselves complaint. So let's get all the legal bit out of the way.... and let you get back to being Suppressed rather than Depressed....


We’ve updated our Privacy Policy to reflect the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - a legal act created to enhance your privacy rights.

Privacy Policy

By participating in the 3 COMMANDO BRIGADE (3CB) community, you provide us with personal information such as your IP, forum nickname, email, and other optional details such as your date of birth. Additionally, if you apply to join as a Recruit or participate in play on our servers, we may collect additional information such as your Steam ID or other details to help identify you as an individual.

We collect this information to provide you with the facilities required for a gaming community, as well as to support the following activities:
  1. Allow the normal functioning and curation of our forum.
  2. Track membership and any perks (such as ranks) within our community.
  3. Track problematic behaviour and enforce any sanctions (such as bans).
  4. Track applications to join us, and manage our reapplication intervals.
We collect the minimum amount of information required, and do so to support the legitimate interests of providing you with the facilities such as the forum and gaming servers.

We do not pass your data to third parties.Your data is never monetised in any fashion, or used in any manner beyond that of supporting the legitimate activities of yourself as part of the 3CB community.

As membership of the forum, membership of 3CB, and playing on the gaming servers have different characteristics, we store the data in different ways and for different durations:
  1. Data linked to your forum membership is retained as long as you have an active account, to allow the normal usage of our forum.
  2. Data linked to your application and membership of 3CB is retained for the period of your membership, plus typically a period of 12 months thereafter. The data is retained to allow us to properly execute our re-application and returning members processes. In certain cases the data may be retained for shorter or longer periods as deemed to be appropriate for that situation.
  3. Data linked to playing upon our gaming servers is typically retained for a period of 3 months after your latest date of playing on our servers. Data may be retained longer should it be deemed necessary to enforce any sanctions such as a ban.
We store data in three primary locations: the forum database; the server logs for our gaming server and related facilities such as Teamspeak; and a Google Sheets document managing the application and membership process of 3CB. Data may be shared among the three locations to directly support the best function of each area, and access is restricted to only those members who require access to manage the relevant processes.

Your rights to your personal data are as laid out in the GDPR (summary), and should you wish to make a request based upon any of your rights (such as to have your data removed), or a complaint, then you can contact any of our officers via 3cbPrivacy@gmail.com


If as a result of the changes we've made; you find you cannot log into the forums, please do re-register, we'd be delighted to have you back as a part of our community.

Thank you for reading this far, and a huge thanks to all the responsible parties who have been, and who are still working to make sure we keep this community active and now GDPR compliant!



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