3CB Training Grounds - Open
After a huge amount of work, thanks mainly to Sam and Trifus, we're very pleased to annouce that the 3CB Training Grounds is open for business.
This is a custom built isle that will become the focus for much of our specialist training. It currently features a wide range of facilities, including but not limited to:
- Rifle range
- Sniper range
- Mortar range
- Anti-tank range
- Grenade range
- UGL range
- Mulberry harbour
- Medical centre
Some of these facilties will form the basis for future specialist training courses, others will be available to drop-in and improve your skills.
In addition, I'm excited to say that we also have two new approved specialist courses, CQB-1 and EOD. Other courses are under development.
Details on these courses and how to make use of this excellent resouirce will be available shortly.