Promotions - LCpl, Cpl, & CSgt

Lance CorporalWe are extremely pleased to announce the following promotions from Marine to Lance Corporal:
These members have not only demonstrated a consistent level of activity and dedication to the unit, but they routinely present a positive attitude, a willingness to lead by example during operations and on the public server, and frequently volunteer their time and efforts to support 3CB.
A dedicated member, JoeEmp has demonstrated a huge commitment to 3CB through both mission design, as well as a willingness to step up for various command roles.
SkullzySkullzy has shown considerable commitment to the unit through contributions to both training and mission making. In addition, Skullzy regularly takes on senior leadership roles.
VesprVespr is reliable, has an excellent positive attitude, and always willing to step up to a command role when the need arises.
Colour Sergeant
Mad Mick
Mick continues to put considerable time and effort into the development and integration of advanced training into 3CB's gameplay, through mentoring and training events. His in-game leadership is exemplary and he is committed to seeing 3CB mature and improve as a unit.
Congratulations to you all, keep up the hard work.