3CB Factions - Release
We're very pleased to announce version 6.0.0 of 3CB Factions.

Release notes 6.0.0- Added ACR 5.56mm rifle variants
- Added Bell 412 helicopter variants
- Added CZ-550 hunting rifle
- Added Cessna Minigun, M2, and Bomb proxy loadout variants
- Added Backpack, clothing, face gear, head gear, vests and uniform reskins for new factions
- Added Black and tan kneepads
- Added Douglas AC47 'Spooky' gunship
- Added Douglas C47 passenger and cargo variant aircraft
- Added Douglas DC3 passenger aircraft
- Added FN FAL variants
- Added FV4201 'Chieftain' tank
- Added Hilux Ambulance, BMP, BTR-60, Igla Chair, M2, Metis, Mortar, TOW, Vulcan Cannon, and raised front-firing Zu-23 variants
- Added Karzeghistan Royal Guard (KRG) faction to all sides
- Added Li-2 Russian-made Douglas C47 aircraft
- Added Livonia Defence Force (LDF) faction to all sides
- Added Livonia Forest Rangers (LFR) faction to all sides
- Added Livonia Nationalist Militia (LNM) faction to all sides
- Added Livonia Separatist Militia (LSM) faction to all sides
- Added M270 chassis Avenger AA, cargo, and transport vehicle
- Added M270 MLRS artillery vehicle
- Added Middle East Insurgents (MEE) faction to Indfor and Opfor
- Added Middle East Insurgents (MEI) faction to all sides
- Added Mig-21 'Fishbed' jet
- Added Olive SF backpacks
- Added PPsh-41
- Added RM-70 MLRS artillery vehicle
- Added SKS
- Added Springfield rifle
- Added Static PKM turrets
- Added Steyr Aug variants
- Added STGW-57 rifle variants
- Added T-810 trucks
- Added HK USP pistol
- Created new fire geometries for old T-series tanks, and M60A1 / A3
- Fixed Aim point on SUV Minigun variant
- Fixed Attributes on RHS vehicle reskins
- Fixed FAMAS tracer magazine name and incorrect tracer rounds
- Fixed HK G3A4 iron sights showing wrong range
- Fixed HMG and SF HMG, GMG and SF GMG Land Rover allowing AI to fire
- Fixed M1025 M2 Humvee missing passenger slots
- Fixed M16 variants iron sights max zeroing
- Fixed MDF SF AT gunner having RPG-7 instead of MAAWs
- Fixed Missing bounding boxes and slingload points on static M240s, RBS-70 launcher and Searchlight
- Fixed Nogovan Police Department Blufor / Opfor infantry having incorrect magazines
- Fixed Open faces on Rhib and Rhib Gunboat
- Fixed RBS-70 turret not being placeable in Zeus for AAF and MDF factions
- Fixed Rear lights on Mutt Jeep always being on
- Fixed RPK iron sights at 1000m
- Fixed Windows on SUV variants at later visual LODs
- Fixed Wreck models on AC-500, AN-2, Cessna, Mig-21, and Mystere
- Reduced Section Count on a number of vehicles and weapons to improve performance
- Replaced M16A1 Rifleman in Cold War Late Infantry Groups with M16A2
This is all largely thanks to Evrik's hard work