Promotions - LCpl, Cpl and Sgt

Lance Corporal
We are extremely pleased to announce the following promotions from Marine to Lance Corporal:
ZuluThreeZeroThese members have not only demonstrated a consistent level of activity and dedication to the unit, but they routinely present a positive attitude, a willingness to lead by example during operations and on the public server, and frequently volunteer their time and efforts to support 3CB.
DataHood As a dedicated member, Datahood routinely volunteers his time and efforts to the unit; whether by taking leadership roles as 1-0, creating and running private operations or developing and running training courses.
MORIGENAs a dedicated member, Morigen routinely volunteers his time and efforts to the unit; whether by taking SL / FLT leadership roles, assisting with promotional activity and more recently stepping into the Troop leadership role.
TimAs a dedicated member, Tim routinely volunteers his time and efforts to the unit; whether by taking leadership roles, developing training courses, and media content and more recently taking on the responsibility of Recruitment Manager.
Noodles As a dedicated member of 3CB, Noodles has put considerable time and effort into developing and running missions, for private operations, including whole campaigns. As a mission coordinator, he has both organised missions as well as mentored new mission makers.
Nick SeafortAs a long-serving and dedicated member, Nick has continued to show his commitment to 3CB through his visibility on the public server and as a member of the modding Team. He has provided invaluable feedback to better the unit and user experience.
Congratulations to you all, keep up the hard work.