3 Commando Brigade

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Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:53 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Posts: 3774
Location: London, UK
Service Medal (7)

Timezone Change - BST

Just a reminder that as of 31MAR the clocks for the UK have gone forward by 1 hour (BST - British Summer Time). However, all events (e.g. operations) will continue to be based on the GMT timezone (aka Zulu) as this is constant 365 days of the year. Please keep this in mind when attending interviews, operations, training etc. Use the new 'Time Zone' widget on the forums (right of the page) for reference.

Lets hope that we start getting some warmer weather soon 8-)

"To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time." - Leonard Bernstein
3CB ops in a nutshell.

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