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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:09 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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[Feedback wanted] ACE Medical Tweaks

Over the next week or so, we'll be running a couple of different public missions with varying ACE medical tweaks.

Feedback is wanted on each mission. A simple "I like it" or "I don't like it" is fine, but any extra feedback you can give is appreciated. For example:

  • How the game feels from a medic's perspective.
  • How the game feels from a non-medic's perspective.
  • Pace
  • Enjoyability

Current mission on the public: Mission 2

The Settings
Both missions are Ursus (Reshman).

Mission 1 (Advanced)
Medical level: Advanced
Prevent insta-death: Yes
Player damage: 3

'Player damage' is the damage required before a player is killed (since insta-death is enabled). This value may need tweaking.

Technical details:

Mission 2 (Basic)
Medical level: Basic
Prevent insta-death: Yes No
Player damage: 1 3
Who can revive: Everyone

Currently everyone can revive, so there's no direct advantage for the medic. However, if we were to use this on our private ops - only medics would be given epi (so even if the medic dies, someone else can still pickup the epi and takeover as medic).

Technical details:

Mission 3 (Advanced)
Identical to Mission 1 with the addition of:
- Non-medics can temporarily become medics when inside a medevac vehicle (air + land).

This allows for medding even when a medic isn't available (i.e. unconscious or dead).

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:15 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 1907
Some feedback from this evening.

Slight bumps were rendering guys almost dead, in particular, building glitches that shouldn't cause injury.

Blood seems to be 'lost a lot of' with only minor injuries.

Once morphine is taken, there is quite a while before epi is needed but I had to take 3 over the space of 10 mins after just one morph.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:22 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 1907
Suggestion, if it is possible that is.

If the medic goes down, a non medic should be able to perform medic functions (such as PAKs or bloods) but at a risk of killing outright (ie a 20% chance of insta death when performing advanced medical functions)

This would simulate the fact that every serviceman is trained in advanced first aid, some beyond that but without that specialist knowledge of a CMT, can cause fatal injuries, particularly with IV's etc.

I don't know if this could be put into the coding in any way (I wouldn't know where to start) but it would be awesome and sit nicely between the above two settings.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:00 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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Robbie wrote:
I don't know if this could be put into the coding in any way (I wouldn't know where to start) but it would be awesome and sit nicely between the above two settings.
This sounds like a cool system! It would have to be put in by the @ace3 devs so I recommend you suggest it to them here: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/414/

EDIT: Played with setting 1 today, got shot and didn't immediately die, super happy with the setting for now ;) 

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:05 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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I took a Sabot round up the Chuff.. (Zulu driver and came out the Warrior with some pretty nasty injuries... Was able to stay conscious and bandage myself ok. Some injuries too more than one bandage.

I took 1 Morphine for pain and an epi to counter the blood pressure.... seemed to work ok...

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:35 am     Super secret spam barrier
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@Robbie Sadly building glitch wounds are probably here to stay. There's not much that can be done about them, but patch up the wounds or give a pak. The Lost alot of blood label comes when enough fluid is lost to require replacing, I would like to see the gradient of lost a bit of blood, some blood and then alot of blood but we only have "alot". I'll see if I can check the amount of blood loss that triggers this label but IRL 2pints or 1L is enough to cause shock and would be deemed to require an iv of fluids. On a second engagement after having a saline injection the Alot of blood label I think shows up quicker as the blood volume level is lower (because you've replaced blood with water). If you get the Alot of blood label a second time the medic should be pushing blood not saline, or plasma and saline in equal parts. 
Haven't played enough of the public with these settings to give good feedback yet but I have been testing this set up for a while locally and have high hopes.

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Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:55 am     Super secret spam barrier

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As suggested dome time ago, it would be cool if we would find a way to get this somehowworking.

1. Everyone can use epi, bandages, saline/blood/plasma.
2. Only medics can use PAKS

That should have the effect that non-medics can effectively keep people from dying if needed. The advantage of the medic are in this case the more detailes informatrion about the pulse and blood pressure and the abilitzy to use the PAK. So normal players can keep other players in the game if needed, but for a full recovery you would need a medic with a PAK.

Short version is:
1. Normal players can keep players from dying
2. Medics can also make sure they get their full fighting power and also keep people alive.

Another extra would be the idea that we somehow make it work that all players can use the PAK on somebody else in designated medical buildings and vehicles.

All this would require some modding at the moment btw.

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Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:13 am     Super secret spam barrier
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Played last night - seemed fine to me. Took two hits (one to the head and one to are arm). Booth I could deal with on my own fairly promptly with bandages, morphine, and an EPI,  without bothering the medic. Additionally, saw a hand full of guys take a direct mortar (?) hit which killed them outright - which was refreshing to see. 

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:26 am     Super secret spam barrier
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@Mefirst you can have the ability to allow anyone to use Paks but only in medical vehicles / facilities, ( although this will also restrict medics use of paks) the dynamic that would make this work would be: 
Medics use the full medical system to heal a player. ( most of the glitches with vanilla damage have been fixed now I think) bandages, fluids, morphine and epi will restore the player to a full heal state ( although they will have additional compound effects depending on treatment given, all in keeping with how the advanced system is meant to work) but if the medic is down / dead or busy and a medical vehicle is available any player will be able to save high blood loss cases with a pak, meaning paks would hopefully be an edge case option or when a player has had a lot of treatments and not the go to quick fix. 
The Pak settings would be:
Any condition 
Med vehicles and facilities only.

The aim I think is to allow players to be able to get themselves and each other up, but a medic to restore the all important blood level. With a solution for when the medic is unavailable. (medivac).

Taking an close interest in this setting as I have faith it's the answer, we've been in a state of unrest regarding the medical system too long. The advanced system is quite thorough and if we allow it to just do its thing with minor tweaks I reckon it will be what we hoped it will be when ace medical was announced.

Slightly odd, talks to pixels.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:33 am     Super secret spam barrier

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@Dangerous: With those settings, there would be virtually no distinction between medics and non-medics. (only differences are numeric readouts on vitals which are fairly pointless and IVs which are very rarely needed)

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