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Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 1:43 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 5913
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Coopetition 07:Operation Re.treat

Stuff goes here.

There is a official livestream for it, but sadly only in German.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 5:11 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Would quite like to see a video of this from the perspective of one of our guys, if someone filmed it?


Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 5:34 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 5913
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I recorded but it is pretty underwhelming to watch.

There is no war to end all wars.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 6:53 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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We were literally sent out to do recon, was overwhelmed by two enemy sections who had the high ground. Within the first 30 minutes. 



Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 10:22 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 5913
Location: Essen, Germany
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Alright let's give you all a very quick run down about the mission and what happened. 

There were three factions and the mission was about BLUFOR having to bring a convoy to a airfield on Malden. The goal of INDIE was to prevent that, while OPFOR was sort of allied with BLUFOR. The factions would earn/loose points for convoy vehicles being delivered to the goal or for vehicles that don't make it there or get completely destroyed. 

We were part of BLUFOR and we were assigned to do some reconnaissance and check out the possible routes the convoy could take. Apart from that we were also ordered to engage the enemy when possible to distract them from the convoy itself. So we moved out on quad bikes and checked out the route that was intended to be taken by the convoy. That route was cross country going up the hill in the middle of Malden.

The enemy must have been made it their earlier because three squads basically took the entire middle mountain range. From those positions they could basically check everything south, east and west of them. We spottet two guys relatively early and we changed position. We had to cover some relatively open ground and two sections engaged us. The resulting firefight was pretty devastating and most of us were down and dead in less than a minute. 

The good thing was that we managed to report what was going on and enemy positions back to our command. Taz and Mustache also managed to get on two Quadbikes and drive to some nearby cover. From there, they started to return fire on the enemy and eventually breaking contact and getting back to the convoy which started to move out from the base. OPFOR which was sort of allied with us were north of the enemy position but they were extremely passive. The only active part of them at the time were their helicopters that they used for spotting and for quick troop transport. 

BLUFOR had nothing to loose and there saw a gap between enemy positions. So they took the convoy and managed to pass right through that gap. The enemy looked pretty confused by this and only one truck with infantry managed to chase the convoy. The truck tried to ram the main vehicle of the convoy, but don't forget that we are playing ArmA. So it is no big surprise that our vehicle continued to drive while their vehicle made a sudden bug-jump to the left into a stone wall. This broke all the wheels and killed of 90% of the crew/passengers. Out convoy then managed to get to the target location without any problems.

They established a defense there and some of the enemy forces started to attack them. In the meantime it looked like the allied OPFOR time was learning how to tie their shoelaces together. In the end they actually moved closer to the airfield and engaged the enemy.

OPFOR won by bringing all convoy vehicles to the target location. 

There is no war to end all wars.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:17 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 5913
Location: Essen, Germany
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Monsieur_Taz wrote:
That clip were me and Mustache just Mad Max it out of there was pretty cool.

But in all honesty, the whole experience made me feel like they never wanted us there in the first place. To me it felt like they just wanted to use us for the 3CB name and kill us off as quick as possible, hence why we got the pointless role of recce. Let's be honest now, what's the point of a recce unit when you have several birds flying around doing the exact same job?
Totally unimpressed with it.

That is a wrong perception. Also don't make the mistake to mix up the people who organized the event and the people who were leading the faction. In discussions with the leadership we were asked what we would like to do in the plan that was made. The other option would have been to be mounted up with the convoy. That would have meant not doing anything for a long time. The convoy only moved out after the firefight. and before that they were doing nothing in base. If not for the (limited) recce we did, it would have been extremely that the following would have happened to us as part of the convoy.

  1. The convoy drives into 1-3 enemy sections
  2. We loose 90% of the convoy and our players in a minute
  3. Mission is technically lost for us.

It is also worth noting that for a long time, there was no radio contact between ION and our leadership. That was due to a mistake by ION Leadership not communicating the right radio frequencies to the helicopter. The mission could have been very different if ION would have been more active. By the time we reached the mountain, they could have already been engaging MIM. This was sadly not the case and so we got the undivided attention of MIM.  

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