3 Commando Brigade

Realism. Tactics. Fun.

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Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:42 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 1225
Location: Manchester- UK

3CB Social Media

To mirror Deejays message, anyone who hasn't already, please subscribe to the 3CB youtube chanel linked on the homepage.

Murphy's Law of Combat Operations # 8: If at first you don't succeed... call in an airstrike.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 1:03 pm     Super secret spam barrier
1st Lieutenant
1st Lieutenant
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Operations Coordinator
Operations Design Team
Site Admin
Game Admin

Posts: 3971
Location: Australia via Norway
Service Medal (7) Donator (1) Modding Team (1)
Zeus Operations (2) Mission Designer (4) Leadership (1)
Asset Medal [Armour] (1) Operation Medal (4)
Don't do FB or twitter, though I've got multiple Youtube accounts subbed :)

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:49 pm     Super secret spam barrier
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Other duties:

Posts: 372
Service Medal (1) Donator (1) Zeus Operations (1)
Asset Medal [Armour] (1) Asset Medal [Air] (1) Operation Medal (3)
Game Name: Aeobrix 

Unit Rank: Marine

When did you join 3CB: September '15

What attracted you to 3CB: Large scale operations, appropriately realistic tactics, friendly and fun community including a very welcoming public server

How would you describe 3CB: I think the slogan says it all very well; Realism, Tactics, Fun. With the right amount of each. Not too realistic that it disappears up its own backside, Not too tactical as to be inaccessible to new players, and the fun is serious fun, ie having a laugh with good people and enjoying the challenge of a mission, not unrestrained silliness.

What is your favourite role within an Op: Helicopter Pilot (read MANPAD magnet) or when on the ground; TIP OF THE SPEAR BABY!!!

Favourite Map or 3CB Mission: Operation Clean House; mass heli-borne landing, making continual CAS runs, huge amount of tracer fire below in the town, and then watching the troops retreat under fire to our waiting choppers.

What would be title track to your personal soundtrack: When in a 3CB Op? Bad Muthaf****r (that one from the cool 1st person parkour/fighting video). I think it's perfect for any Op with hails of bullets and armour blowing up left right and centre!

What other games do you play: XCOM, Witcher 3, Kerbal Space Program, League of Legends, Neverwinter, Assassins Creed, Fallout, Dawn of War, Civ 4. All sorts really.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:06 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 1225
Location: Manchester- UK
Game Name: LessThanDave

Unit Rank: LCpl.

When did you join 3CB: September '14

What attracted you to 3CB: I took a break from ArmA after my old community folded on ArmA2. A few PC ugprades later and I moved on to ArmA3, and thoroughly caught the bug again. I was after realism, I've never played ArmA without something resembling ACE and the Milsim aspect roped me in. The Britishness is always a plus :-D

How would you describe 3CB: By far the best group of people I've been involved in gaming with, the attitude within the group is stellar and everyone is willing to pull together to make 3CB the best it could possibly be. From mission design to MODs the effort put in by various members is more than anyone could ask, and playing with this bunch of reprobates is as crazy and interesting as it gets without actually getting shot at!

What is your favourite role within an Op: I like to think I'm most effective as a marksman. It's pretty satisfying to land a couple of well placed shots over a couple of mags of suppressive fire, but I like to switch is up where I can, and I'll try anything once even if it ends in tragedy.

Favourite Map or 3CB Mission: I think it would have to be Fool's Gold. It's a great looking map and the search and recover based mission suits me down to the ground. Plus you never know what to expect, one day you're being swarmed by infantry, the next you have to deal with an armoured formation, it keeps you on your toes.

What would be title track to your personal soundtrack:

What other games do you play: DCS, Elite: Dangerous, MGSV, Squad, GTAV, Star Citizen

Murphy's Law of Combat Operations # 8: If at first you don't succeed... call in an airstrike.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:24 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 5913
Location: Essen, Germany
Media Man (2) Donator (1)
Game Name: MeFirst
Unit Rank:  Lance Corporal
When did you join 3CB: May 2014
What attracted you to 3CB: I couldnt really find what I wanted in the german ArmA 3 Community. The 3CB has a active public server with mods and a good playstyle.
How would you describe 3CB: Realism, Tactics, Fun and Benzy screaming.
What is your favourite role within an Op: I dont really have a favourite role. I am happy to be anything from a normal rifleman, section,troop or company commander, pilot, mortar gunner and driver.
Favourite Map or 3CB Mission: Hearts & Minds from the public server.
What would be title track to your personal soundtrack:

What other games do you play:
So much, but right now I am mainl playing Rocket Leauge, Armored Warfare, Darkest Dungeon, Squad and Just Cause 3

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 5:24 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 974
Service Medal (5)
Game Name: Niko
Unit Rank: Colour Sgt.
When did you join 3CB: Nov 11, 2012
What attracted you to 3CB: The people that were around at that time when I joined, sadly some of them left but a strong core still remained which is amazing.
How would you describe 3CB: A great community that will show you the ways around ArmA.
What is your favourite role within an OP: Anything from a Section Leader position to a simple Rifleman.
Favourite Map or 3CB Mission: Map: Zargabad // Mission: Hostage Mission on Chernarus created by Apollo & Me
What would be title track to your personal soundtrack:


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:42 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 5913
Location: Essen, Germany
Media Man (2) Donator (1)
You could if people consider byuing the Apex Expansion.
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. I will buy it once it is out and the first review are up.
4. I already own it over the ArmA 3 Supporter Edition.

There is no war to end all wars.

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