3 Commando Brigade

Realism. Tactics. Fun.

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Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:36 am     Super secret spam barrier
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General Rules

When it comes to enforcing the rules, our admins will always attempt to utilise the path of least resistance. This means using the minimum force necessary in order to bring an offending player into compliance with the rules. Players who contravene the rules will be warned first, kicked if necessary, and banned as a last resort.

Warn - Kick - Ban.

Community Rules
  • No racist, homophobic, sexist, bigoted, or abusive language or behavior. 
  • No excessive/constant and targeted swearing. 
  • Do not harass or abuse other players. 
  • All users, 3CB or otherwise, should be treated with respect at all times.
  • While freedom of speech is important, and the moderation of language is a last resort, these are game servers, and we will take action against disruptive players in order to maintain a cordial and friendly playing environment.
  • I will take in to consideration that not everyone who plays on the 3CB public server(s) is familiar with our style of play and I will try to teach these individuals or in case of the individuals constantly breaking the rules will notify an admin or a moderator
  • No multi-clanning (i.e. you are already part of or involved with one or more Arma clans/units while applying to/a current member of 3CB).
  • Soundboards on Teamspeak are banned. Using a soundboard will result in a ban from Teamspeak (this includes bots).

Gameplay Rules (Public Server)
  • No team-killing (regardless of the perceived annoyance or trouble a player is causing) or base destruction/defacement.
  • While in-game, all players must ensure they are in the correct TeamSpeak channel (Radio Comms [A]), unless in Technical Help or assisting an NCO/CO. 
  • Do not arrest people using the ACE/other function. This is considered griefing, unless there are consensual role-play circumstances or someone needs to be moved (e.g. they are AFK).
  • No running around in enemy kit.
  • No using enemy vehicles, even if you think it's a good idea.
  • No use of exploits.
  • Do not select a pilot role, if you are not proficient with flying in Arma 3.
  • All support assets regardless of type (e.g. Aircraft, Mortar, Zulu, BPT, etc) are to communicate and coordinate their actions with the infantry sections.
  • The public server is not a training server. If you require training, please contact the 3CB training team or practice in the privacy of a locally hosted game.

Gameplay Guidelines (Public Server)
  • When joining the server, please attempt to fill empty section roles from the top down (I.e. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3…)
  • Check that any support asset (e.g. Aircraft, Mortar, Zulu, BPT, etc) is currently required, prior to joining/creating the support team. Discuss and clear your intentions with the lead element (usually 1-1C, or 1-0 if present). 
  • In general there should be no more than one support asset per infantry section.
  • Ensure you are using the appropriate gear for your chosen role. E.g. Long range radio only for SL/FTL, the correct weapon for your role (LMG, GPMG, Marksman, Sharpshooter, AT, etc) and an adequate amount of supplies (medical gear, explosive equipment, etc).
  • If you choose non-default BAF gear, you will be solely responsible for your own resupply. Company/Troop/Section leads are not obligated to prioritise or cater resupply for non-default BAF gear. 

These guidelines are intended to shape the experience on the public server to be representative of the experience on our private (members only) operations. These are guidelines and not rules, as we do not wish to limit creativity. However, if you find yourself continually outside of these guidelines, then this server is probably not for you. Please use common sense.

Official Language
  • English is the official language on 3CB servers. Use of other languages in voice chat is strictly prohibited. Other languages are permitted in text chat, but if this becomes excessive you may be asked to stop.

  • 3 Commando Brigade is not responsible for any online experiences/interactions on our servers (including game, website, and voice servers) or within the community. We are not responsible for the actions of you and/or members/players and any possible exposure to media content (i.e. audio, video, text, links to external websites, etc).
  • This community/Arma is not intended for persons under 17 years of age. Some content may be inappropriate for young children. By signing up for an account you are stating that you are at least 17 years of age or you have your parent's permission if still a minor. Players found to be underage or minors playing without parental permission will have their accounts banned by staff.

Edited: 19.03.18

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:13 pm     Super secret spam barrier
1st Lieutenant
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There is to be NO team killing on the server. REGARDLESS of the perceived annoyance or trouble a player is causing.
The correct procedure is to find an ADMIN and get them kicked - now in some cases this will not be possible.

The Rule still stands. We do NOT Team Kill guests on the server. Take their name and ID, record the time of the incident and make a post and we will deal with the situation. If they come back on find an admin and tell them

Likewise we do not Arrest people using the AGM or ACE function. This is considered Griefing unless there are consensual role-play circumstances or someone needs to be moved i.e. they are AFK etc.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:04 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Just a reminder of the Obvious - running around in OPFOR kit during Public missions or Unit Operations is 

A) stupid

B) considered trolling unless you can genuinely show good reason ( I can't think of any)

Game admins will likely kick you off the server if they see this.

Examples of This.

AAF Helmet & Uniform
CSAT kit of any kind
Full Russian Uniform, Helmet & Weapon

This list isn't exclusive - please use common sense to avoid misrepresenting the Unit or creating situations where friendly fire may be an issue.

(Note that jumping into and commandeering an enemy Tank/truck/helicopter/static weapon... is also a surefire way to attract a BluFor HEAT Rocket up the backside from another player... Use common sense ! )

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:43 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Posts: 3774
Location: London, UK
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To confirm that everyone is aware of, and has read, the rules - please can you all register above.


From now on, applicants will also have to agree with these rules before becoming a Recruit.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 9:53 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Bump.... Just to remind you all of the Rules..

Cheers guys

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:12 am     Super secret spam barrier
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Gameplay Rules (Public Server) have been updated 29/3/16:
  • While in-game, all players must ensure they are in the correct TeamSpeak channel (Radio Comms [A]), unless in Technical Help or assisting an NCO/CO. 

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:15 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Gameplay Rules (Public Server) have been updated 11/12/17:
  • Soundboards on Teamspeak are banned. Using a soundboard will result in a ban from Teamspeak (this includes bots).

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:09 am     Super secret spam barrier
1st Lieutenant
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Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:59 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 4:48 pm     Super secret spam barrier
1st Lieutenant
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