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Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:08 am     Super secret spam barrier
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Introduction - Skullzy

Hi guys just wanna say a quick 'Helo' from Barry, Wales. Only been on twice but absolutely loving the style of game-play you guys do. The balance between banter and game face is spot on. Plus the tactics is cool as fudge boy! Not just that but you all seem a bit head tapped and I think we will get on well haha. 

Been a part of an American based group, Legion XIII which originated from the days of playing JSOC 77th.... We made our own community, was a hard task but we had fun along the way. I was mission maker, squad leader, zeus, DEV and worked like a dog (I'm not a DEV, I pressed stop and start on the server if it needed doing haha) but we faced our hard times as we were robbed by our leader basically stole from the donations so...  eventful.

The guys there are cool but there's no place like home being with Brits and our dark humor. Plus, I can't be online until 0230hrs as their missions start at 2300hrs... LUSH!!! Cheers! Happy days! The fact yours starts at 8pm means I can be on like almost everyday :DThey will still be mates of mine but I'd like to pledge my allegiance to y'all so I can stop talking like one of them. 

Totally open guy, never take offence, hope to get to see you all again soon!

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:39 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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welcome Skullzy....

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