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Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:01 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Posts: 4

Greetings, let me introduce myself quickly.


My Nickname is Zumi, I am from Switzerland. My english is decent.

I have been around in A3 since the start, actually since A2 to be precise. I have come a long way since my first basic training. I stayed "grounded" though, as the basics, I figured, are the most important in order for the whole thing to work out in large scale coops. I have mostly played seriously with german groups and with some australian friends here and there as well. You will probably at some point figure out, if you know how they do it, that I am indeed very german-drilled.
You will meet me in the field most likely as a regular rifleman or team leader, sometimes as a corpsman. I do not like to fill a special role, even less you will see me carrying a huge backpack with a javelin and a sniper rifle that sprints for all the kills. More likely you will find a common L85 standard issued quiet man who covers the angle he was ordered to watch.
The only way I really enjoy playing this game is milsim oriented, with proper tactics and immersive gameplay, maybe even some RP.

Oh and before I forget: I am capable of modding, server configuration through a web interface and ofc scenario creation. Did a lot of SQF-scripting, actually got pretty good at it I would say, know most of the commands by heart. Right now I am working on my population mod (module-based).

So I decided to apply here. Looking forward to playing with you guys.

With kind regards 07

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 5:25 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Welcome along Zumi.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:46 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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SQF is also a nice but outside Arma a rather useless addition to my resumé. 

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:23 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Posts: 56
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welcome dude

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