3 Commando Brigade

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Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:14 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 1

I'm interested in joining

Hi there,

My name is Walter (call sign Ariwa) and I live in Denmark (Aarhus), born in the Netherlands though. I have been playing Arma with a group of friends for some years, we are not a clan. According to Steam I have played for about 874 hours. Together with one of my Danish friends, we have created our own co-op missions, where we use a few mods like e.g. "VCOMAI" and "mrb_a3_voicestop". We have also created our own mod, with Danish skins for uniforms, weapons, etc. I love the cooperation possibilities in Arma, and the relatively "realistic" gameplay. I'm a trained gamer, but I don't like playing games like e.g. Call of Duty or Insurgency against 15 years olds (sorry guys, it's not personal ;-)), who butcher me with a knife, as soon as I spawn, because they now the map so well. I really like Arma's planning and teamwork and hate having to re-spawn. I'm 54 years old, but feel like a 25 year old, and in Arma, I move and shoot like one as well :-). That's why I love to play Arma!

I have never played in a clan, but since I would like to play Arma even more realistic, I am considering joining you - if possible at all...

I have a few questions though:

1. I also still would like to play co-op with my friends as described above every now and then. When I deactivate the 3CB mods and activate our own mods again, would that cause problems (and vice versa)?
2. I have kids, a wife and a job, so I can play some weekends, and have dedicated my Thursday evenings to gaming... But there is never a guarantee. I know, that you are liberal in that regard, but would like to ask anyway..: Can I "just" show up, whenever I have time and feel for it, or is that seen as bad behavior?
3. I know from my own experience that creating missions and host games takes time. I can see, that there is a donation button, so there I can send some money. What do you expect me to spend approximately per month?

Let me hear if you think that I could be a good recruit and later join your group. What I have seen until now looks great :-).

Thanks for your time and informative, and welcoming website by the way.

Best regards

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:11 am     Super secret spam barrier
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Welcome to the 3CB forums.

To hopefully answer your questions:

1. We use a3sync to download our mods and to startup Arma, so it is independent of Steam.  We recommend installing our mods in a separate folder from that used by Steam and setting up a3sync to ignore the Steam mods folder.  Using this approach means that Steam and a3sync never conflict, so you can run each version without issue.

2. Real life comes first.  Whilst a recruit we recommend attending as many OPs as possible, just so we can get to know you.  After that sporadic attendance is not an issue unless you disappear for 3 months without saying anything.  Our Op nights are Sundays, most Fridays and the occasional Wednesday.  We require signup beforehand, but there is a "maybe" category if you're unsure of your availability.  The last possible time to signup is 30 mins before the start of the Op.  This is just to give the commanders/mission makers an idea of the numbers.

3. The funding is by donation.  There is no expectation that you have to donate. It's purely voluntary.  The total cost of running the 3CB server/licenses is approx £100 per month.  

If you're interested in joining then we suggest attending one of the public events we host.  We run these on the last Friday of the month.  Plus there are other public sessions throughout the month.  If you jump onto our Discord you'll be able to see these.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:35 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Welcome Walter!

We also have a public server which runs (almost) 24/7. If your friends get the public modset too, you can also give that a go together. Let me know if you need any help.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 1:35 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 1
hey me me me Kevin

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