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Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:40 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Totally agree Reddog. Loving the suppression. It also reduces the need for shed loads of enemy.  One suitably placed enemy can quickly disrupt a section.

There are no respawns in real life.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:49 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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I think we're losing sight of fun here. I have no problem with suppression I do have a problem with not being able to see when a single round goes over my head, probably going to get stick from lot of the gun enthusiasts/ ex service guys here but a single round over my head is not going to have that much of physical interruption of my ability to return fire (my scenario is consistent with fire fight men against men with small arms for example assault rifles)

The under  water vision (blurred) with in the suppression, possibly could do with over hauling, perhaps a narrower field of view i.e tunnel vision similar to when you pull sharp manoeuvres in the jets or even when you're injured. Rather that completely dull the sense why not restrict with something like tunnel vision allowing players to still participate in the gun fight? And when asked to fall back or perform the manoeuvre to change their position they can actually where their going though a little restricted. 


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 7:40 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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I really enjoy the current suppression effects, it has given a feeling of urgency to being under fire that was missing before. Yes, sometimes they reduce your combat effectiveness to negative infinity as you're just scrambling for cover with no idea where you're getting shot from...but to me, that's a feature, not a bug ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:34 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Shimmer wrote:
I think we're losing sight of fun here. 

Well everyone has a different view on fun, so its tough to suggest that we are losing sight as a whole when the majority of the feedback has been positive so far.

The idea about the tunnel vision effect is interesting, I think that might be worth a try, depending on how much additional work that might be compared to simply blurring the screen.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:58 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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I think the suppression effecting combat ability is a good thing I'm not saying the plurring of the vision is "realistic" but for me atleast it has been the best way to actually get the intensity of compat up which has lead to the use of good amount of tactics like peeling and bounding even more which atleast for me has added alot of enjoyment. I think one thing we won't have without this modification to the game is how you would keep your head down when you are being shot by a whole section of russians or when you are being pinned by a sniper. Also now static and vehicle weapons actually feel threatening and taking them out becomes a major priority.

The problem before this was that you couldn't supress the players without injuring or killing the players which was guite a problem in numerous operations and made some zeuses and mission makers quite frustrated.

Now fire fights even in patrol ops have become intense and the supression has made most missions I have played more enjoyable. 

Mission maker side it's a good thing as you don't have to push so much AI against the players and less AI sometimes gives better frames which I think adds alot into the enjoyment of gameplay.

Last edited by Arska on Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:11 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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The tunnel vision effect was version 0.1 of the suppression mod that never made it past the first user test.  It's a great idea its just not possible to implement correctly in Arma.

Tunnel vision is not an optical effect, but rather your total focus on an object / area such that you become "blind" to anything else going on around you.

Version 0.1 attempted to implement this as a reduction in the view of field, similar to the ACE medical unconscious effect.  So the player just sees the world as a small circie in the centre of the screen.  This would be perfect, except for the fact that the player can move their head and shift their focus to anything in the scene.  Which is completely counter to what tunnel vision is.  So now the player has 20:20 vision albeit in a reduced field of view anywhere they look.  This had zero impact on combat, as the only area of the screen you actually need is the area around your sight (ie in the centre of the screen)

To overcome this (and its nots possibe to implement) would be to lock the player's vision to the area of the threat.  From a gameplay perspective this would be an extremely poor design decision.

TLDR, not everything in the real world maps to a video game.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 7:32 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 25
Shimmer wrote:
a single round over my head is not going to have that much of physical interruption of my ability to return fire.
I agree that a single round over your head will physically not impede your ability to move and run away from the fire. Now with that being said a bullet going over your head will have numerous effects on how u respond to said bullet such as ducking and looking for cover. Since in arma no one seems to fear bullets this suppression gets u thinking immediately and reacting hopefully shortly after. With this suppression we will also stop having our hillside firefights where no one seeks cover and just goes toe to toe with the enemy assuming they are Billy badass and can wipe a section by themselves. Just as a personal note as a person who has a decent amount of range time one single stray round usually gets people to there knees at least.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:25 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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Played a couple of Operations with this now and I pretty much hate the current implementation of it. Note that I am not against players being suppressed and the resulting shift in Gameplay and player behavior. But I do hate that getting under fires give me the experience of a 90 year old suffering from cataract. There have been a lot of instances in which the visibility got so bad that I was not able to identify soldiers (enemy or friendly). This is not just annoying, but I also think that it is unrealistic. 

I would rather see effects that are not so heavy on visuals like increased weapon sway when the gun is not supported on something and aimpunch when bullets are hitting/flying nearby on players. 

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:55 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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The trouble is that there are another group of players that think the weapon sway is too much and prefer more visual effects.  So it's impossible to satisfy all.

The aimpunch is worth looking into, however there is only a finite number of effects that can be achieved within the A3 engine.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:15 am     Super secret spam barrier
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Had an idea about if there was a possibility for the mission makers to decide on if they wan't to use suppression on their mission. So the idea would be that maybe we have the suppression enabled in operations were we are fighting smaller guerilla groups or patrol ops and have it disabled on larger scale operations where we are fighting russians or some other heavily armed force.

Also if people are not enjoying it maybe disable it on the public as the missions there are not balanced too well around it and public has been generally more about fun then realism.

I don't know how hard this would be to implement but its something to think about.

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