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Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:09 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 11

Scenario - Operation Herrick

Good morning all,

After two years of being on this forum, keen and ready to join you online, it still hasn't happened. Life, eh?! 

That aside, i still like to keep up with what you are doing and yesterday i finally sat down for some time on Arma with no distractions. I came across a persistent Scenario based on Op Herrick that you can find here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1678024455 

It uses your mods superbly well and i had an absolute blast on it yesterday. I immediately thought of you here and think you will love to play it. It doesn't look like it's been going long but coming from playing a ton of Antistasi, it was a great change of pace and superbly well done so far. Let me paint a picture of my experience yesterday of an entirely unscripted series of events:

Mission - Transfer Repair Truck from Airbase to Green Base (Approx 10km South as the crow flies)

I recruit 3 squaddies to create a 4 man section; rifleman, medic, engineer and I. We take a land rover with 50 cal and commander gpmg, engineer drives truck in column formation. We make it about 500m outside the airbase and encounter an IED. Engineer disarms while we cover; no contact. This happens a further 3 times en route without incident. Approaching a town, a number of civvies are walking around, but one is watching us with binoculars so we go on alert. We are half way through the small collection of dwellings when fire hits us form the right. We easily dispatch a group of 5 or 6 Taliban/ISIS insurgents. We continue on for another few KM when an rpg explodes nearby. We throw the veihcles behind a low wall for cover and the 50 cal lights them up. Surrounded but in cover we fight our way clear, only to turn the corner and find an insurgent stronghold and their own 50cal on a hilux. With heavy suppression we take the 50 cal down but are pinned and can't get out. To top it off, a friendly UAV has spotted an artillery truck in the town ahead that we need to pass through (a seperate task to destroy this is available). I radio for an Apache CAS run on the artillery and for reinforcements. We can hear the CAS in the distance doing it's job and then spot a Merlin in the distance heading to us, which deploys 8 men (that joined my squad) and Foxtrot Oscars quickly. We repel the attack and push in, cautiously, to the artillery contact only to find the burning wreck of a towed howitzer.
Moving cautiously we cover the next 3km without incident. With about 250m to the FoB we relax a little. Big mistake. 4 men, one with RPG, hit us on the main road, a near miss blowing the tyre off the Land Rover. We take them out, the rifleman taking a hit to the leg but patched up by the medic while the engineer changes tyre and i scan the area. With vehicle working again we finally make it to Green Base, pop the kettle on and enjoy some tea and medals. 

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:24 am     Super secret spam barrier
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Thanks for the report.  It's always really interesting to us to see how others are using our mods.

I'll definitely take a look at OP Herrick

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 2:57 pm     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 11
Lifetap wrote:
Thanks for the report.  It's always really interesting to us to see how others are using our mods.

I'll definitely take a look at OP Herrick
Just wondering if you had a chance to try it out?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:55 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Yep, I've had a look. The overall setting is well presented.  Clearly, a lot of work has gone into it.  

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 7:35 am     Super secret spam barrier

Posts: 11
Excellent. I messaged the gent that created it with some feedback and suggestions and he is looking for someone to take over doing it because he doesn't have the time any more. Perhaps someone on your talented group would fancy a challenge? 

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 7:40 am     Super secret spam barrier
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Possibly but I'd doubt it we have enough trouble maintaining our own public server missions and creating 3 private OPs a week. Does look interesting though.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 7:50 am     Super secret spam barrier
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It's a very different type of mission than we put together, in that it is a small scale coop with hours of gameplay.  Public server missions aside, our missions are typically 2-3 hours in length, for 20-40 players.  They're completely different in design and implementation. 

We would not have the time to support a released mission on Steam, our focus is BAF mods.  

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