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A3 Mod Roadmap Discussion

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Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:25 am     Super secret spam barrier
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andvik wrote:
My two pennies would be that the chinook seems awfully bugged with people getting stuck inside it, dead under it.

I think there might only be an issue when you land too hard, injure people inside, and then they can't be brought out. Try landing a little more, um, gently.  ;-)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:35 am     Super secret spam barrier

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Apollo wrote:
andvik wrote:
My two pennies would be that the chinook seems awfully bugged with people getting stuck inside it, dead under it.

I think there might only be an issue when you land too hard, injure people inside, and then they can't be brought out. Try landing a little more, um, gently.  ;-)
Yes, you should totally take some helicopter advice from Apollo ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:46 am     Super secret spam barrier
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My piloting skills are legendary, so I'm told.
I'm sure that's a good thing. ;-)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:16 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Open minds always, especially when you're offering 2 cent bribes.

But I think we can put a lot of the troubles we've had down to Xmedsys, AGM or CSE. I'm with Alexander on the "total conversion" issue, at least until a really really good one comes out that proves itself stable (as ACE was for A2). What we really need is a medical system built into ArmA, not some fudgy mess put over the top.

The realism v easy/fun debate is tricky, but to my mind ArmA is not the right game for over-simulation. The players we have don't want to specialise in one particular role to the exclusion of others (medic, pilot, radio operator etc), so if we require a 1 hour read of a manual to understand how to do something it's probably not suitable for us. A few of the A10 and Apache mods fall into this category - high fidelity, beautifully crafted, full of functionality, but only 2/100 people will ever be able to start the engines, let alone fly them. Great for a flight sim, but too complex for more than a few in our group to enjoy. Same thing could perhaps be said for the CSE medical system. Added complexity which only a dedicated medic will enjoy, while the rest will find it bewildering and reducing the amount of time having fun.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:18 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Whiplash wrote:
but as most of my speculation so far has either been brushed aside or gone completely unnoticed

I haven't seen any of your speculation, but never mind it's not important anyway. ;-)

PS I think we need a plumber

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:17 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Why have a dog and bark yourself? Bi know that their modding community will do it for them as they did with A2, and it saves them money :)

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

My level of sarcasm depends on your level of stupidity.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:47 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Ask a Royal Marine what his most important defining bit of kit is... at least from documentary's I've seen I imagine they'll say their green lid.
So, to me at least, it's critical to the identity. From a technical perspective it would also seem to be the easiest smallest mod imaginable so unlikely to cause issues.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:44 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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There seems to have been great progress in general stability (not withstanding the latest BIS patch), which is excellent. 
In terms of the roadmap, it seems to make a lot of sense, and I'm very supportive of the general direction.
I agree entirely that phase 2 is what gives us our uniqueness, but the part of Arma3 that has always grated with me, is the bland generic enemies.  I would love to move to a position where the opposition was appropriately armed. Real weapons, not just make believe stuff from BIS.  When I originally joined we were fighting against BMPs, ZSU-23-4, etc. For me they added immersion, as much as being able to equip with real UK weapons. 
There have been a few comments about certain mods that impact game play.  The one that I would like to push up the priority is any compass that you can actually read when wearing NVG.  I'm not sure if it's my setup (I generally run with everything max'd) but the compass is completely washed out under NVGs.  Serjames introduced me to ADO Boussole Silva compass, which was a game changer.
One final one is the ShackTac Stamina bar. I'm not sure about you but I know when I'm knackered and
cannot take another step.  This really useful piece of intel is missing from the game. The stamina bar is a fairly discrete way to include it.  

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:07 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Lifetap - my brother from a different mother.. Don't worry T72's Ak's and Dodgy accents will be back... Just not yet.

I completely agree with you though, AAF is the "Least Bad" of the opfor untis we fight, I quite like the infantry - think they should be toting AR-15 derivatives mind you, But I really don't like their armour - too op I think for a second rate force.

There are several good mods we will be able to turn to - once fully tested

CAF_Aggessors is due an update any minute to correct the errors currently there.

Russian Naval Infantry mod is very good - modern Russian Kit(ish) and Infantry models

RHS Red Hammer Studios is due to release any minute - that will be TOP notch I guarantee

Massi's standup opfor units have always been fun to play, i.e. African units etc

MEC Middle eastern Conflict  is another top notch pack I'm keen to get tested - Drongo is a super cool guy who supports his kit well too, so if we get errors he will work to fix em

IS or ISIS is a new pack that looks very good not tried them, but they're supposed to be excellent

There are lots more I'm sure

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:06 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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That's great news.  I also have no problem with the AAF infantry, it's just their weapons.

But now you have me worried that I missed something in my ancestry.

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