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Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:19 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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3CB Weapon Pack - Feedback and Bug Reports

Thought it would be good to have a thread, where people can post their feedback about the 3CB Weapon Pack.

I have to say I am very impressed so far. Not only by the numbers of weapons we got in the pack but also the overall quality. There are a lot if nice little details, like the case ejection and the moving belts on the machine guns etc.

The only slighly negative thing I have noticed it that when you put a 3CB Scope on the new L85's it does take away a lot of your screen in first person. Not sure if this was intended, or is one of the things that might get improved in later versions.

I have only tested the guns for a few minutes in the arsenal and the LMG for about 1 1/2 hour on the public server. So far I cant report any new bugs or problems.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:11 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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The amount of screen real-estate used by the scope is largely unavoidable, due to geometry.  The 3D scopes are implemented by magnifying the entire screen, then positioning your eye to look through the actual model of the scope on the rifle (If you look inside the scopes you can see the reticles).  The further back from the scope your eye, the less screen real-estate used by the scope.  Unfortunately we're right on the limit, any further back and you get clipping issues with other equipment you're wearing.

Also the higher the magnification, the larger the image of the 3D scope on screen.

2D scopes are implemented completely differently and do not suffer this problem.  However, for balance, we've set them to be a similar size on screen to the 3D scopes.

Also remember there is a reason why reflex sights exist; standard scopes do restrict your field of view.

We have implemented different muzzle velocities for all the weapons.  This change ensures that the L22, L85 and L86 all have different characteristics despite using the same ammo.  This added realism causes an issue with the scopes.  The scopes now have to be zero'd for individual weapons. So you need to match your scope to your weapon,  This is only really noticeable at medium-long range.    The scope description indicates the weapon it has been zero'd for,  Its why we have two TA648's, one for the L86 and the other for the L129.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:01 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Some really nice comments coming in...

Steel: I absolutely LOVE this weapons pack.
Steel: We are all looking forward to the equipment and vehicles too man.
Steel: Best of luck with it all!
SerJames: Great that you love it... we did it for ourselves... (*sounds like Cher) but so glad the community loves it too :-)

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 11:30 am     Super secret spam barrier

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RDogg wrote:
Out of interest, the spare barrel in AGM (Which will more than likely be in ACE as well) is so useless as none of the LMG's overheat/jam. When ACE comes out, is there a way of changing this via config or something? Be good to get some use out of such a feature. 

Once ACE rolls around I'm sure we'll update to make use of their features. E.g. ACE will also introduce advanced ballistics with an option to define barrel-length's etc. 
As long as we can add them without having to add @ACE3 as a dependency we'll try to get as many as possible to work.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 10:25 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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I did test it and firing two belts on full auto does make it jam.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:50 am     Super secret spam barrier
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Since AGM will soon be deprecated, we'll move all barrel overheat functionality across to ACE, and do a proper test once there.  Thanks for spotting this, I'll added it to the TODO list

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 11:13 am     Super secret spam barrier
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Hench wrote:
As a *request* going forward maybe some "camo" variants, I've recently seen pictures where front rails have been coloured in khaki and green, as well as weapons that have been painted in shades of green/khaki, a small thing but can give the weapon the personal feel.

The LDS perhaps needs some work, a few (though not my own) grumbles about reticule inaccuracies (I don't claim to be an expert in these things) but I personally haven't used it mainly down to my preference for the aforementioned.

The LLM seems to be a bit small and mounted a bit too far forward on the gun, may just be personal taste though, as a *request* would it be possible to see the LLM made as a single attachment that is both a laser and a flashlight.

Then there's a the L131A1 which is nice, again personal taste, but the sight picture doesn't sit right, however, the sound is perhaps one of the best I've heard for a pistol mod to date.

Quite separately and as a finicky detail *request*, could we perhaps see a animated magwell, so that when a magazine is removed from the weapon slot in inventory, this is represented on the weapon model itself.

In terms of the camo variants, some images would be very useful.

Can you be specific as to which of the LDS scopes you've heard are inaccurate.  Is it possible they've been used on a weapon that is not an L85, as this is the only weapon that is accurate with that scope?

We're working on an LLM-01 with dual functionality, it just did not make it into the current release.  But it'll hopefully be there for v1.1

I'm not sure what you mean by the L131 sight picture not "sitting" right.  This is how the gun is sighted in the mod?


New animations are currently an issue for us, as we don't have an animator.  Now if anyone has character rigging experience, then please step forward :)

Thanks for this feedback.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 3:11 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Thanks for the images.  We might be able to make a camo'd version at some point during the re-texture pass.

In terms of the L131, I see your point.  When you aim the L131 in game you're actually looking along the top of the 3D model, so all sight components are correctly positioned.  

I'll reduce the diameter of the fore dot to give the impression of range, that might help.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 2:45 pm     Super secret spam barrier
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Is it the muzzle heat haze - particle effect ?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 3:59 pm     Super secret spam barrier

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RDogg wrote:
I wish ArmA had some kind of environment climate feature i.e. Somewhere like Reeshmann would be really hot. Would be very cool to have to leave LMG's to cool off due to overheating more often in such climates.
ACE3 has an advanced ballistics feature that already integrates real-life climate data for e.g. Afghanistan/Pakistan (Takistan/FATA) into the bullet flight equations. I guess it wouldn't be a far stretch to extend that to the jamming system.
(Disclaimer: It seems like the advanced ballistics thing will be quite the performance hog in multiplayer so it probably won't be enabled on our servers/missions [we'll see once it's finally released].
Long-range sniping isn't a big part of our gameplay so it'd be of limited use anyway)

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